Friday, January 22, 2010

Tired of being an adult

Well, in conjunction with my last post about how WII works - here's something else to think about - the food. I thought about making this all orderly and printing out a menu but I don't have enough energy to invest in something that kinda makes me depressed....

Many students eat in the’s not like a cafeteria back home! It is the same food on a weekly schedule. Remember as you continue to read: Lunch and Dinners are ALWAYS served with rice, Dhal (some sort of lentils) and chapatti (like a flower tortilla but not). At dinners we get a salad (which does not mean a leafy green lettuce salad - no it’s chopped raw carrots, red onion, and this Indian version of a radish - is good) and at lunches we get yogurt/curd/Dahi. These are constants. The main dishes vary:

We will start with tonight...every Friday (tonight) is hardboiled egg night. Every Wed and Saturday is chicken for dinner. Now, don't get excited for me ain't no KFC. It’s like they just took a big ol butcher knife and cut the head off and then just chunked the bird up - yet somehow the breast meat went missing. There is never a visible "leg" or "wing" as I can find yet. Lots of vertebra and neck hunks and of course the trachea - I mean how could we leave that out!?!? I believe they remove the crop and the intestines but I’m not sure. They leave everything else....ugh. So I eat paneer and peas the veg option.

Then - for those of you who know me will find this extremely humorous - thus the I’m tired of being adult title. Monday is Aloo (that’s Hindi for POTATO) and cauliflower, Tuesday is aloo, cauliflower and carrots (I think they use the leftovers from Monday and add carrots), and Thursdays is aloo and cabbage. I can't remember Sunday...does it matter? Lunches usually consist of cauliflower and potato. Fortunately for me there is lunch on Wed of some sort of squishy soy ball dish (and potato of course) Friday for lunch is ladyfingers (ochra) and I think its Saturday where we have pumpkin or squash - again not bad. Breakfasts are not really different from lunch. They have these things called Parata which is like a thicker chapatti only it has vegetables (onion and chilies) diced inside them.

You take the Parata and dip it into some sort of Dahl or vegetable soup thing which has - you guessed it more ALOO!!  We have Parata 2 or 3 times a week.  Mondays its omlet (with onion and chilies), Wed some sort of crumbled yet sticky saffron rice dish (can't remember the name) but it has potato chunks and peanuts in it - good but strange.  Friday is this other rice patty thing that you dip into some sort of dahl which has potato and carrots in it. Yippi.

Im tired of eating everything on my plate, Im tired of trying to be mature about all this and eating it because its infront of me.  I am reading stories and drooling when people in the book are eating peanutbutter and jelly or pizza....

1 comment:

  1. I imagine hell, for you, would have the same menu. Poor Kerry.
