Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rite of passage

So, Ive been told that it is every woman's responsibility - no rite of passage that she must make her own fruit pie one day.  Also I just watched Julia & Julie or whatever the name of that movie is...and I was inspired....inspired to create.

 So, I thought Id try my hand at Cherry Pie.  Fresh cherries purchased from the local farmers market!  Alas, I did not make everything because I used a box mix for the pie crust - and I hated the pie crust in the end.  It didn't taste good at all.  Though Jiffy is convenient, it just doesn't have the flake that good pie needs!  However, I still used my trusty thermos instead of a rolling pin to roll out the dough.  Ive had that thing for 9 years now and about all I use it for is rolling out dough.  Maybe took it camping once and used it for hot coco...

Progression of a Pie....

Things I learned:
1. You do not need a pie pan to make a pie.  I used a cake pan cuz I didn't have a pie pan anymore
2. Fruit pie is Fruit, SUGAR, and thickening agent (tapioca is what i used)
3. The best oil/butter for pie crusts EVER is bear fat - YUP you heard me.  Bear lard makes the best pie crust in the world
4. Pies don't have to look pretty - mine didn't and it still tasted good
5. Make sure you pit ALL the cherries.  I didn't like the 2 I found still with the seed
6. Cherry pitters are SOooooo worth the $$ if you eat a lot of cherry pie
7. There are 2 "types" of cherries...sweet and sour.  Most people cook with the sour, though the sweet cherries do just as good in a pie!

Wizard of Oz

So for a movie that was made in 1939 the wizard of oz still kicks ass---and is even better as I pay attention to the lyrics.  Man, that cowardly lion is pretty darn funny.  I used to really like the scare crow because of his song, "whilin away the hours consulting with the flowers...." and really who can tell me "why the ocean is near the shore..."  Id be thinkin things Id never thunk before!!  But after this showing - the lions song is way way better.

"What makes a king out of a slave? Courage! What makes the flag on the mast to wave? Courage! What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist, or the dusky dusk? What makes the muskrat guard his musk? Courage! What makes the sphinx the seventh wonder? Courage! What makes the dawn come up like thunder? Courage! What makes the Hottentot so hot? What puts the "ape" in apricot? What have they got that I ain't got?"

What the heck is a hottentot you ask???  I did, to google that is...and came up with this:
Saarjite Baartman, a young Khosian woman from Southern Africa whose body was the main attraction at public spectacles in both England and France for over five years, is perhaps the most infamous case of a Khosian body on display.  Baartman, who became known as the Hottentot Venus, was brought to Europe from Cape Town in 1810 by an English ship's surgeon who wished to publicly exhibit the woman's steatopygia, her enlarged buttocks.  Her physique, particularly her steatopygic appendage, became the object of popular fascination when Baartman was exhibited naked in a cage at Piccadilly, England.

But I digress....

The local TV/Internet company here hosted a free showing of the Wizard of Oz at a little local theater.  It was gonna be awesome!  So, I decided 2 things
1. I was going to start reading the Wicked books.  You know...the books about how the wicked wich of the East came to be and all that.  Very political that land of Oz - and whats up with Glenda being so stuck up and frivolous????
2. to invite a bunch of people and make them dress up as characters from the movie.  Lots of people asked why was it like a Rocky Horror Picture Show thing or did we get a discount to get in...which is a dumb question cuz it was heres my answer - because I wanted to dress up and I didn't want to be the only one.  So I told everyone else they would be the only one and what do you know peer pressure worked!

Mom is a munchkin from the lollypop guild
Dad is the Tinman
Aunt Ren is Auntie Em
Emily is the scare crow
Natalia is a flying evil monkey who hasn't gotten her wings yet so isn't quite evil enough
Carissa is another munchkin

They played it on the big screen and all I can think - maybe that wasn't such a good idea???  Like - you can see the fake settings - its more like a theatrical performance than a movie.  Yes I know it was made in 1939 - but on the TV its still magical and you don't get quite the same feeling.  Here it was like we were almost watching a live performance....which could be a good thing....

The Munchkin that hangs himself in the forest is NOT true and I know that it was demythed long time ago - as in its old news to you all, but...I can confirm this urban legend is false!  Ive seen it now with my own eyes.  One of the birds on set is in the background and fluttered its wing at the wrong moment.  If you notice when they walk up to the woodcutters cabin you will see the African Gray Crowned Crain....when you watch the movie on the big screen and they are just about to dance off to the wizard - YOU SEE THE FREAKIN BIRD....on the tiny tv its the munchkin who killed himself for love....*sigh*...

annnnnd....maybe its because it was HUGE screen and all but you could tell the blue evil flying monkeys were just "little people" - and they weren't as scary as I recall.  Oh and the Tinman was wearing gloves....rubber gloves.  His pants were also just that-pants - you see the wrinkles in the material when he walks away....