This might seem silly to some, disgusting to others, and way way too much information...but then there are some of you who will appreciate this, be able to commiserate and even some of you who are curious but too afraid to ask. So, this is for you, the rest of you can just stop reading now.
I finally did it! After 290 days in India, I had to go to the bathroom and I didn't have toilet paper. And we're not talkin' #1 here were talkin' #2 - oh yes. Id been doing the no TP thing for peein for a long time now. Something about using water to wash away a liquid is no big deal. BUT Somehow, there is a mental barrier for touching anything "solid" that comes out of a human's anus...though strangely enough I have no problems sticking my fingers up a deer's butt to extract fecal pellets (those poor deer in AZ!).
I have always managed to have some sort of tissue paper or newspaper for myself, until today. Well, technically I could have walked home and use my bathroom, but that trip in itself would waste at least 30minutes round trip. The bathrooms here on campus have no toilet paper, just a western style toilet and a little faucet off to the side. Most bathrooms are like this IF they have a western style toilet, otherwise its the squatty whole in the ground - which I must say is a lot more comfortable than a toilet. The squat toilets are easy to use - its like when camping. They also, according to Ridhima's father, position your body in such a way that pooping is much faster. It is not conducive to sit there for hours and read a book like the western style toilets do.
I was pretty nervous cuz the western style toilets are not constructed to positioning the body to easily pour the water, swish, and not make a mess...Cuz you have to squat and it seems tilt forward and reach either between your legs or from behind as the other hand holds the pitcher or water bottle and pours the water down your butt or on your hand. If you pour it on your hand you have to splash it back up at yourself, if you pour it down your crack, it follows gravity more than the contour of your body and therefore drips into your hand, which you then have to splash back up and swish around. I am not sure if this is the way, but it worked I suppose. Messy, but worked....I say messy because as I looked back at the toilet there was water everywhere. And if you think about that, every time you go into a western style toilet and see the seat covered in water - what was splashed everywhere? My splashing and swishing was so exuberant that I got my pants all wet - which is OK since I was wearing a kamise (long shirt), but still - wet bum, wet undies, wet pants in humid weather - ugh.
OH and to make things even more icky - your like, OK I can do this cuz it will be fine, just wash my hands well after doing my business...and I go out to the sink - no soap! Yup, most bathrooms don't seem to have soap either. Now, think back to all the other times Ive had TP and others didn't, and then tried to wash my hands but didn't have soap so used water and then lots of hand sanitizers. Now, think of those people who don't have hand sanitizer! eew.
After all this excitement, and me being so proud of myself I went back to my office (used hand sanitizer) and went searching for a bit of candy only to find a roll of TP in the bottom of my bag!
Lol!!!! You'll get used to it :P