So, Sunday I went into Dehra dun for my first theater going experience…it was an hour drive down the mountain in a hired taxi that Clair and Sophi hired for 1100 Rs. wow what a lovely day! First of all, we got to the theater “late” which meant we didn’t get the VIP seats which are 100Rs or the SIP seats at 70 Rs….it cost the 3 of us 90 Rs ( 29Rs each) to see the move…that is about $2 total. Then, the theater is basically a very long rectangle (what other shape would it be really) but none the less it was LONG. The VIP got the first 50 rows towards the back of the theater the SIP got the next 45 or so and then there was our seating…the up close to the screen seats. The one good thing about the seats is that they had high backs to them so I could slouch down to try to get a better angle. Since we were late we only caught the tail end of the scramble crowding pushing, shoving, and banging on the doors to be admitted. It was PACKED and every seat was sold out.
There were just 3 of us but we could not sit together due to our tardiness. Sophi and I ended up in the very front row in the very 2 left side seats. So the people in the movie all hand lopsided eyes and stretched faces. The movie was NOT subtitled and all in Hindi. It was an extremely funny movie – and if I had understood half of it I would have been peeing my pants even more. As it stands now, it is a very slapstick bollywood film that I would totally see again. It is considered short from my understanding only 2.5 hours with a 10 minute intermission. One of the most interesting things was the audience though. There was this total mob mentality to get into the theater and this massive scramble for seats, but when the movie was to start there was cheering, laughing, clapping and singing. People heckled the movie and sang along if they knew the words. I wonder if the movie would have been half as fun if I had watched it with white people. I got just as much entertainment out of watching the people around me as I did the movie. I only wish I had brought my camera.
The evenings drive home was interesting. It is wedding season in Mussoorie. Even as I type this celebrations are occurring down in town – it will probably go until 2 or 3 in the morning. We passed 3 wedding set ups just driving to the base of the mountain from Dehra Dun as well as 3 or 4 wedding cars. Again another instance where I wish I had a little point and shoot camera…They deck the cars out here with flowers. Typically the flowers are orange or yellow – marigolds or snapdragon type flowers. But always that orange and gold color of marigolds. They tape them to the car (I assume tape but could glue – who knows).
They do it all over and in patterns on the hood, up the windows and then have 2 large bouquets one on the roof and one on the hood. These are flowers that are in season – so harvest colors and very cool looking. Honestly it beats the cans and shaving cream that we do in the states. Sometime I should be able to grab a photo of one of these cars.
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