Sunday, February 6, 2011

Music through my life - my life through music?

So, I recently made a long drive with no cell phone and hardly any radio stations...or more radio stations than I cared to listen to because it was more commercials than songs.  My CD collection had been packed and I was left with 5 CDs to make the 1,500 mile trip from Lubbock to Moscow (Idaho not Russia).  Anyway, this left me with a lot of time to either talk to the gecko - my faithful passenger as long as she stayed in her tank, or think to myself.  Course, sometimes "thinking" really meant talking out loud - to myself.  I like to rehearse speeches...or conversations and go over them or pretend I am going to have the perfect opportunity to say these exact words.  So, I say whatever it is I am thinking out loud and its almost as if I am really telling the person what I feel.  Alas, those perfect moments will never arrive and if there is even the slightest hint that the conversation could actually take pace - I would forget what I had hoped to say or I just mess it all up entirely.  So, I say it out loud, get it off my chest and then expect you to know exactly how I feel :)

Anyway, this is really more about the one conversation I did have with myself (clover - the gecko didn't really respond - she was a lame duck at this point in the trip).  My conversation was about music and how affected I can become - easily by music.  Like if you play the doors while I am trying to read I can without realizing it become so incredibly angry its like out of the blue - woah! where'd that come from?!?!  Or certain songs by Alison Krauss can bring me to tears within 2 lines - so beautiful.  So then, thinking about music I realized I recognize some of my friends through music.  Or more like remember my friends while listening to music.  How to say it...I can guarantee if a certain song is played I will think of a particular person at least once while listening song/composer/artist/band type thing.  So, then (while driving) I started to write down these people and the songs that will draw up their memories.  These would be my songs for you

These are in no particular order
Adam Johnsen: practically anything by Anita O'day, but usually - Dorris Days: Perhaps
Joe Hardenbrook - Dave Matthews: Crash
Matt Rockett - Dead Milk Men: Stuart or Black Happy: chicken in a biscuit
Rachel Halstead-Jefferies - The Beatles and Mustard Plug
David Horton - Mephaskaphalies: Bumble Bee Tuna (also think of Rach H)
Divya Ramesh - Parineeta: Kaisi Peheli Zindagani
Whitney - Nine Inch Nails: Head like a hole
Liz Hamilton - Lynyrd Skinner: OOh that smell
Darah Hulse - 1. REM its the end of the world or 2. Presidents of the United States of America: Body
Holly Costa - Any and all children songs - Flea and the fly in the flu
Bibek Yeman - Eiffel 65: Blue
Tom Rekasis - Weezer: Sweater song
Brad Comstock - Melissa Ethridge
Carrie Brown - Cindy lauper
Tanya Handa - Musicals like My Fair Lady
Martin Scheurich - Ramones: Beat on the brat
Ireen Deneen - No Doubt: Im just a girl
Dan Wiesblat, Dave & Jenny Fox, Darren - Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here
This guy I can't remember his name but he was super cute at UAF - Primus: Stg. Pepper
Shanon McGee - Bare Naked Ladies: One week
Gage Choat - They Might Be Giants: Triangle man
Brad Webber - Divo: Whip-it
Dan Benton - Salmonella Dub: Love your way
Matt McIntyre - REM
Angshuman Raha - Amake Amar Moto Thakte Dao
Nadia - Zoobi Zoobi Zoo
Aaron Suring - Ragtime: The Entertainer